Match Formats - Common questions
Q - Some matchups between players and opponents are organised on the day. How do we set up a match format?
A - Create a format which reflects how most of your matches will be played. At results entry, player matchups can be easily adjusted to reflect what actually happened on the day.
Q - Can I delete/remove a match format?
A - Yes, but only if the format has never been used. The system will prevent removal if the format has been used for old competitions that are still on the system. In short, don't worry about them.
Q - Can I change some of the specifications of an existing format and then use it for a new competition?
A - No, create a new format with a different name.
Q - Say we have a match format based upon 3 players but we want 4 players to play. What do we create, a 3-player or 4-player match format?
A - Create a 3 player match format and at results time, substitute your fourth (or fifth) player in the appropriate sets. ie create match formats based upon the minimum number of players in teams.